Setting the Liquidity Management Framework of a State-owned Company

caso framework società pubblica

Public company operating in the energy and environmental services sector

The Management has requested MACFIN’s assistance to develop a framework compliant with the main market standards for the liquidity management of the Group companies, with the formalization of a specific Company Policy in this regard.


Define roles and responsibilities

of the staff of the administrative and financial area with reference to the activities and processes of liquidity management (i.e. workflow of the investment / disinvestment process of liquidity)

Develop and set up

a system of reporting to corporate units and structures on the use of liquidity and related risks

Implement a system of operating limits

consistent with the Company's organizational structure, delegation authorities and risk profile



of the main aspects concerning the organizational structure (i.e. roles and responsibilities) and operations in relation to liquidity management activities (i.e. cash flow structure, evolutionary dynamics, analysis tools used, etc.)

Comparison with business and control functions

for the definition of a "to-be operating model" of liquidity management and related risks consistent with the organizational structure

Definition of the new framework

of liquidity management (i.e. roles and responsibilities, methodological approach, limits, etc.) and the related reporting system (i.e. structure, contents, frequency, recipients)

Preparation of the Company Policy

for the management of liquidity and a proposal regarding the structure of delegations and controls in this area


Implementation of a clear set of rules

for the management of liquidity, appropriate to the Company's organizational structure and risk propensity

Higher control

of the liquidity management activities and related risk profiles with the adjustment of the system of limits and controls in place


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